Saturday, January 21, 2006

Feelings eh?

Today I have quite mixed feelings.

Funny, kenapa hari ni rasa semua...started with sympathy with jemaah yang muntah darah, ....then rasa tak comfortable plak with Razak.. yelaahhh.. Razak, u know that I dont really favor manusia tanya beribu kali the same question..."Ina, nak bawak modem ke tak? Nak bawak router jugak ke?" Ikshhh.. bukan ke dah cakap..."Razak, Hospital Aziziah ada problem with modem, saya nak bawak modem, tapi di Syisya I need to config my new router for new Digital lines". Pastu masa nak tunggu kereta, I saw him carrying router only. Padahal kat atas, tanya the same question again and again for many times.... Gosh! really test me eh?
I guess it was my fault kot. Maybe Razak tak tau my plan kot...Memula takmau pegi, but rasa tak sampai hati plak....Finally ikut. Tu yang dia confused tu...
In Syisya, so happy sebab dah boleh up kan router baru, 1050... emmm ingatkan tak reti.. but also thanks for my dear Zainal that never give up to check my keje ok ke idak...tengkiu mister!
Balik, 2 mamats tried to sms me again and again.. iksshhhhh... serabut laaa....sudah la tu. I wanna take a nap. About 30 mins, I woke up, then Zohor, pastu terkebil2, nape takleh tido ni? Kak Nor and Mariam dah selamat dah.....Then, Hj Amran sms me saying that he gave up with this RA yang buat dia tunggu lama kat lobby (typical VIPs, they would take their own sweet time but yet easily get angry if we MACAI made them wait plak...) Then, I jumped from my bed, susun barang2 nak bawak balik. Unload all things from my big bag, then started to do a checklist. Then I finally found out that baju for my adik ipar takde lagi..emm..kena shopping lagi? Ikshhhh....self guilt sebab takut overspend lagi.
Masuk office, byk plak email from Jabatan Haji to THTS, Bilik Gerakan and Pentadbiran but all via me.. shows how often I read email, tu yg they rely on my email to get in touch with all of thems.And again, so happy sebab dapat email from my bestest friend whom never give up to update me about my office back home. Thanks Cikmad....So excited, terus reply his email, quite panjang, tell him about myself di sini plak. Oh well, berborak is our fav thing to do in office and i miss that moment with him.
After berbuka puasa, I went up to do my solat, then nampak a phone call from Malaysia and "hello?", "Fie...." "Aiikkkk???? Sayang, I thought you went to Singapore? Memanglah. It is a day-trip. I have changed my mind. "Sayang, I miss you very much...dah tak larat dah ni..Balik lah cepat" Oh my god!! That is so heart-breaking. I was so flattered with him. Speechless. Sayang, I miss you too, God knows. I am counting my days right now. I told him, "sayang, if you can patiently wait for 64 days, kenapa 12 days pun tak boleh nak tunggu?" He said..."Dah tak larat la sayang....I seriously miss you, and I want you by myside" Anak-anak mana sayang? "Semua kat rumah mak, dah tidur dah.." . Kesian...Earlier I made a proposal to Pakman after return from Syisya not to continue the digital testing since Zainal is willingly to take up this job upon his turn 1427H. Then can I go home together with you on 25th? Senyum aje Pakman....He said, atleast buat satu jee...
After Isya plak, I got sms from my so-called secret admirer in Malaysia, saying that he miss me so much. Ni kenapa pulak satu hari ni banyak betul manusia kaum Adam yang rindu nih? Mana yang authentic mana yang hoax? But one thing for sure, I miss my husband terribly.
I was amazed with the article that I have read over the internet. "Difference bewteen Men and Women". If my bestest is around, i bet we both will argue about this article in which I guess it is quite true.
Last week babah called me said that he demanded abang and kakak to sleep at home after zarief slapped zaidan (merah pipi, kata opah) I spoke to abang.."Mama, abang pukul zaidan. Noti noti zaidan, then abang pukul zaidan" I asked him "Kenapa abang pukul zaidan" "Zaidan marah abang, then abang pukulla.. Noti Zaidan" Then he laughed.....emmmm I guess enjoyed looking adik dia kena pukul ehhh?? Heheheh.. kids.. esp boys...Then i told abang "No no pukul Zaidan, Allah will cut your hand" then abang said "Sorry mama, I love you , mama" I told him, "You should kiss and say sorry to Zaidan". Then dengar he said, "sorry zaidan". Cute eh? What I wanted to convey is, cuba refer to the article, womens can easily rasa kesian, while men can enjoy on someone's elso misfortune. Dalam ayat rock kapak, would be, most men is so slamber and insensitive. Sorry sayang, I didnt mean all these to you, love. Not all men laaa....

Done nagging. I guess, I prefer to keep positive in me. Need to off now.

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