Saturday, January 28, 2006

Nurin is growing.

Safely arrived in Makkah at 6.15pm on 27th Jan. Journey was quite tiring sebab semalam completed my task at 1.00am. In my room, I called Kakak.

MAMA: Hello sayang
NURIN: Mama, hold kejap eh this phone, kakak nak angkat telefon lagi satu

Gosh, pandai pulak si kecik. She can differentiate, cakap kat dalam bilik Opah is clearer and better sebab she can baring atas katil.

NURIN: Opah, ok, dah boleh letak telefon. Hello mama, how are you?
MAMA: I am fine sayang, kakak ok ke?
MAMA: Kakak, are you watching TV? (she loves watching, tak larat dah nak tegur)
NURIN: I just switched off the tv. (PAUSED)

Rasanya, she felt guilty coz I can sensed that she is so worried takut kena marah sebab asyik tengok TV

NURIN: Mama, is that true that you are coming back 5 more days?
MAMA: Betul sayang. I will be home on Saturday. But sayang, you need to go to Terengganu first, pergi rumah Tok and Tokki with Babah and Abang.
NURIN: Mama, please...I m gonna miss you. Lagi pun tak boleh buat apa apa pun kat rumah Tokki. Asyik play with chicken aje. Please ma....Boring la ma...
MAMA: Nope sayang. In Terengganu, you can go to beach, makan A&W. There is so many thing that you can do there. Nurin kena teman babah, kesian babah balik sorang-sorang. Then you pick me up in the airport.
NURIN: Alright...(sigh)
MAMA: Sayang, I heard you keep on fighting with Abang? Is that true?
NURIN: Mama, I guess we just hate each other.

I was laughing. Gila punye gelak...WE JUST HATE EACH OTHER. Pandai pulak dia guna word HATE. Dah macam couple, dah give sebab cannot get along.

MAMA: Sayang, you can't say that. He is your little brother. U need to love each other.
NURIN: Ma, believe me, we just don't like each other. He keep on teasing me, that is why I hurt him back.
MAMA: Sayang, you need to show to Abang, that you love him. Tell him that if he beat you up, "tak elok, nanti Allah marah". You need to show to Abang, that you are a good sister.
NURIN: But Mama, he will always be with Mimi (my niece) and follows what Mimi did like throw things and jerit-jerit. I don't like it ma..(Nurin is protokol sikit orang nya....Sopan. Thus, that is why she dislikes sepah2 and kasar2)
MAMA: Sayang, promise me that you won't gaduh with Abang and be a good sister.
NURIN: Promise ma. Ma, i have started reading books but Babah never buy me new books. And now, I don't read anymore.

Pandai kakak salahkan Babah. Padahal, rasanya banyak buku kat bilik dia. Hehehe..
Dah jadi macam Mama, put babah as scape goat. Sorry sayang...Can't help it, girls love to blame someone else.

Heard Zaidan's crying. Opah bising-bising.

MAMA: Why Zaidan's crying, sayang?
NURIN: Ala, biasalah Zaidan. Terkejut la tu....

Gosh, my girl dah pandai cari "lame excuse".

MAMA: Tu yang opah bising-bising tu kenapa?
NURIN: Ala ma, Opah marah Kak Ika sebab Kak Ika tak ambik Zaidan. Ma, Kak Ika sekarang asyik nak tolong Kak Siti (my mom's maid) aje. Kak Ika garang tau mama.

Dah pandai report ehhh???

MAMA: It is alright sayang. Soon, when I go home, thing is gonna be ok.
NURIN: Ma, please balik cepat sikit.

Time runs so fast. Without realizing it, my lil girl is growing. She is just 7 year-old and 1-month. I remembered on 27th December 1998, masa nak bersalin Nurin. The whole day, I went out shopping with my husband. Malam tu, he stopped at Pizza Shuttle in Milwaukee, beli Veg Pizza and Coke. Balik rumah makan, sebab lapar giler. Around 2.30am, sakit perut memulas. Muntah non stop, lying helplessly kat dalam toilet (dulu toilet kat US pakai carpet). 6.00am, Hafizul sent me to St Mary Hospital. Doctor told me "You have dilated for about 3cm. We need to monitor you closer". Around 5.00pm, still at 3cm. Then, the doc induced me. At 11.45pm, doc realized that I was about to give birth. To be exact of 0030 (12.30am) 28 December 1998, Wan Nurina was safely came into this world by Dr Katherine Lee. Hafizul was so happy. Dr Katherine honored him by giving the scissor to cut off Nurin's umbilical cord, but he refused. Geli, katanya. You are very funny, love.

Nurin is a lucky girl. She is just 7 year-old, yet has been merata-rata, US, UK, Europe and even Australia. She is an apple of everyone's eyes di rumah. Cucu pertama and get a first-class treatment from Opah, Atuk, Tok and Tokki. First niece for Paklong, Anyah, Uda, Chik, Achu, Maklong Syafiq, AyahDe, ChikHa, ChikWan and Su Mi.

And now, without the existence of her mom for almost 3 months, she grew like a big girl. She starts to know the definition of love, responsibility, care and even hatred. Whatever it is, Nurin will always be our little precious princess.

Mama, from far, will always pray for you to have a better future so that you can be a better person with better living, pandai menghormati orang tua dan orang susah.

Above all, Mama and Babah will always love you......

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